April 4, 2013

Paleo vs. Vegan and Why They Are Both Great.

So we all know the trauma of trying to find a way to eat that suits us.  You cant go on eating like you are thirteen forever, well some can, but it can’t be good for you unless...  But anyway,  I have been bouncing back between what my body needs and what my heart feels is right.  I have a few clients that have been doing the same thing and it seems to be something that people think about.  
What am I talking about?  Sometimes I feel like eating meat is gross or mean, and sometimes my body tells me, “Eat meat...lots!”  
So lets enter the world that so many people live in, “What do I eat to make myself feel good?”

And what does this have to do with the Paleo and Vegan lifestyle.

So I know that my body needs a lot of protein.  So naturally the Paleo life sounds like it would be great!!!  Paleo lifestyle basically does not eat any starch.  They avoid processed foods, grains, legumes, soy, sugar, dairy, white potates, and vegatable oils.
Thats a lot of “no’s” but appearently people who follow it love it and says it makes them feel great.  

Vegans avoid all animal products.  They don’t eat honey or even wear leather!  Below that are all different kinds of vegetarians.  I know quite a few vegan and vegetarians and they love the way they look and feel and they love it also.

So you would think it would just all come down to what makes you feel good.  But there is another reason why these “diets” might make you feel so great.  Yes... these people probably feel good because they are paying more attention to what they eat than the average Joe.  But there may be another reason.

There is a theory out there about food combining, it has to deal with digesting your food enzymematically. 

In the book Body Ecology by Donna Gates states...

“This proven system of eating compatible foods at each meal aids digestion and enhances overall health.  When you eat foods that don’t combine correctly, the digestive system gets mixed signals about which digestive juices and enzymes to release.  Food remains in the digestive tract longer than it should, and it starts fermenting.  This produces sugars that feed yeast and parasites, and further weakens the digestive tract and immune system. 
The rotting food becomes poison, polluting he ecology of your inner world.  It’s a gruesome image, but it’s accurate.  As the stagnant food builds up on the walls of the digestive tract, it forms a landscape that only viruses, cancer cells, and parasites can tolerate, just as rats and other scavengers live off city landfills and industrial-waste sites.
Proper food combining greatly reduces gas, bloating, and excess weight.  It is essential for establishing a clean, internal environment.”

So the rules of food combining say not to mix starch and protein, as one of the major rules.  If you are following a vegan or a paleo lifestyle, these rules are built into their diets automatically, leading you to a happier digestive system.  

So whether you are leaning toward vegan or paleo, don’t worry your food will be digested properly, leading possibly to more energy and vitality.

To find out more about food combining, contact me here for a free initial session and I’ll tell you all about it!

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