March 5, 2013

My Fav. Blog

                                                                                         ©Kal Barteski 2013

Over the years I have been in and out of many websites, pages, blogs, and networks.  All of them have been useful and inspiring but they have had their time and come and gone, most in a matter of months or weeks.  BUT, there has been one that has stood the test of time.

When I was in the depths of my depression after my first son was born and just trying to keep my head above the water, I found this blog.  I literally googled "love life" in the seach box and this is what popped up.  Thank God because it got me through some bad days.

A gal named Kal Barteski is the author, and at the time our children were very close in age.  I have read this blog for years, since 2007!  Yes, years this amazing woman blogs just about everyday and is in a sense my favorite reality series.  She is an artist, a wife, a mom, a small business owner, and part- SUPERHERO!  I really love everything that she has so graciously shared and this is just a little thank you for all that she has done and does.

If you would like to check her out, and please do, she it at:

Thanks Kal!

1 comment:

  1. Oh. Wow. You are so kind and this totally made my day. Super big thanks to you.
