Raw food enthusiast David Wolfe has a great recipe for hot chocolate that is great for your bones and joints. It is supportive of silica in your body and helps maintain the cartilage in your joints.
Calcium from milk for your bones in a myth! You know me if it has a commercial you shouldn’t eat it. In this case milk has a multi million dollar marketing campaign behind it to make you think that, “Milk is does a body good.”
Well... not really. Americans are one of the few culture groups that chooses to consume milk in our adult years. Why?
The campaign has convinced us that we need milk for the health of our bones. That it is the best and easiest way to obtain the amount of calcium that we need. If this is true why are the rates of osteoporosis climbing, claiming it youngest sufferers to date.
These people should have the strongest bones of them all. Drinking all that milk since the campaign launched in 1993 should have ensured them strong healthy bones.
So maybe milk is not the answer. Did you know milk creates an acid condition in your body that leaches calcium and releases into your blood stream to float around aimlessly until it find a place to land, bone spurs anyone?
So where do those healthy doses of calcium come from. Well, your Mom was right eat your veggies! Popeye will never have a broken bone in his life. Dark leafy greens are an excellent source of calcium.
So what’s this hot chocolate you ask? Silica and cartilage are also very essential part of your skeleton. As a yummy treat you can help support these by drinking hot chocolate made with nettle tea as the liquid and then find a mushroom extract that you can dump in there, along with oatstraw and horsetail. To make it all yummy mix it with raw cacao and maca powder for an energy boost that will last for hours. Oh and don’t forget to sweeten it up with some stevia drops and dates. Since summer is upon us add some ice cubes and make a choco-smoothie instead!
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