September 20, 2012

Do You Aspire To Be Like Your Kids?

Yesterday my daughter had a long day,  she had an abnormal day the previous day, and it left her tired the next day.  She made it through the day and then fell asleep in the car on the way to her karate lesson.  I fought with the idea of just letting her sleep through class, but when I whispered we had arrived she stirred and got out of the car.  She had a rough start to class, I didn't even think she was going to make it... crying and tears, but she turned it around and pulled through with flying colors.  I was so proud... and a little jealous.

That day I was also having a rough day.  I think I had eaten something sour that morning, and my stomach had not been feeling well all day.  I took my kids to their karate lesson thinking that I was not going to stay for class because I was not feeling well.  But, when I saw my little girl turn it around and pull off a great class after probably rather staying asleep, I felt like if I made her do it, I should too.  Even more if she can do it, so can I.   So I did, and I felt like I was going to pass out the first 20 minutes of class but,  by the end of my kickboxing and grappling class, I felt great...fantastic.  I was glad my daughter had the will to pull through, because she inspired me to pull through...Thanks Chloe!

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