July 10, 2013

Hey Nice Nails!

"Nice nails.  Are those yours?"
"Yep, they're mine."
"Ugh, I'm so jealous."

Don't be jealous, I drink kale everyday.  Ever since I have started doing this I have had nails of steal (and my hair grows like a weed.)  I also take pretty good care of them.  Well, I have two kids so good is relative, but I try to keep them filed and painted.  I change the polish at least once a week and try to wear gloves when doing dishes.  I take a really good whole food supplement everyday and I eat really well. AND I EAT KALE EVERYDAY, and something else green at every meal.  Usually I have a kale and almond smoothie in the a.m.  At lunch I always have at least half and avocado and some sort of fish, and for dinner right now I love okra!!!

So don't be jealous drink Kale ;-)

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